Elegant Apartment

2240, Bryant Street, Mission District, San Francisco, CA, 94110

Key Details

For Rent
Built In
Room Count
Parking Spaces


Mission District Remodeled 1 Bedroom Apartment Features Include: Large completely remodeled kitchen eat in kitchen. Refinished hardwood flooring throughout. Spacious Living Room with built in shelves and excellent natural light. Remodeled Bathroom w/shower over claw foot tub. Spacious bedroom with large closet. Nook in hallway with room for a small desk. This location provides easy access to freeways, BART & MUNI. Located in the highly desirable Mission District where you will find dining, shopping, nightlife, bars and cafes!


Air Conditioning

Floor Plans

Floor Plan A

This 1 bedroom/1 bath is located in rear of the building which is nice and quiet. Close to University of San Francisco, store, shops, restaurants, and nightlife. Plenty of public transportation near by with street parking.

Floor Plan B

This 1 bedroom/1 bath is located in rear of the building which is nice and quiet. Close to University of San Francisco, store, shops, restaurants, and nightlife. Plenty of public transportation near by with street parking.

Floor Plan C

This 1 bedroom/1 bath is located in rear of the building which is nice and quiet. Close to University of San Francisco, store, shops, restaurants, and nightlife. Plenty of public transportation near by with street parking.


Cafes & Bars
Arts & Entertainment


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